A Real Estate Team That Gives Back

Giving back is at the heart of everything we do. From the time Steven was a kid 'til now, it has been his mission to help others. As a child, Steven gathered food, blankets, and clothing for the homeless. As a teenager, Steven earned the rank of Eagle Scout and gathered thousands of books for bedridden hospital patients. In 1997, at the age of 13, Steven and his father started Scouting for All, a national organization with the goal of making the scouting program inclusive for all, including gay and atheist youth. During Steven’s professional cycling career in Europe, he started a nonprofit called Race for Kids which raised money for children worldwide with life-threatening illnesses or disabilities. Steven moved back to the US in 2012 to start his career in real estate. He wanted to continue giving back so he started the Sonoma County Kids Gran Fondo, a fun family event with bikes. Through this event, the Race for Kids nonprofit has successfully raised over $150,000 for children in the community with life-threatening illnesses.

Your Referrals Help The Most in Need in the Communities We Serve

Today our new hyper-local approach to giving back and volunteering, The Cozza Team’s WHY, is to support meaningful causes right where it counts most, at home. With every transaction our team closes, we contribute a portion of our commission to helping local organizations continue to make our incredible community an even better place for us all to live. Our team loves the communities we serve, but all of you - our clients - inspire us to give back. We look forward to sharing our progress as we work toward an even brighter tomorrow. So, when you use the Cozza Team to buy or sell real estate, you are in return, helping us to keep supporting the communities in which we serve.